Haqqislam, the New Islam, is a minor power, spread across only a single planetary system, Bourak. Haqqislam has built a culture around a humanist, scholarly version of Islam that is in constant...
Starmada, O-12’s space fleet, was born out of the need of the Bureau Aegis to be a global action force, endowed with an acting capacity that reaches anywhere in the Sphere.Miniatures are supplied...
The Shasvastii are the Combined Army’s hounds, explorers and trackers. The Shasvastii army works to a criterion of lightness and mobility, disdaining super-heavy combat units. The specialty of this...
Who can possibly know what ALEPH thinks? Its representatives will tell you that, for the AI, the Sphere is its home and its responsibility, the creator it must help in order to walk together into the...
There was a moment in which the proud Japanese, who had been humiliated and treated like second class citizens by the StateEmpire for far too long, rose up against their oppressors and claimed their...