Arkus Games

Storm Raiders (Standard Edition)

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Dice Drafting || Resource Management || Pick-up-and-Deliver || Set Collection || Variable Player Powers

For thousands of years all we have known is the Rift Storm. It destroyed our empire, sundered our land and severed us from the Old World we once ruled. Sheltered within the eye of the storm we fought to survive, imprisoned in our last remaining city, desperately clinging to life. As the ages past the eye slowly grew in size enabling exploration beyond the city and a startling discovery. The storm was still connected to the Old World, its erratic rift capturing hapless Atlantic crossings and wrecking them upon Atlantis' broken shores. The age of the Storm Raider was born: Brave souls who for fame and fortune would dare the might of the Rift Storm, to save these precious offerings and bring hope to our dying world.

The Storm Season is upon us, all eyes look to the sky and we wonder are you the Storm Raider Atlantis has been waiting for?

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