Time marches on.Well, at least it used to.Project ECCO is a game of time travel and cosmic horror—a solo journaling game with a twist. Time travel across the pages of a planner, writing in and marking up the dates based on prompts as you go, ultimately creating an artifact of your travels through time. You work for the mysterious organization known only as The Agency , tasked with tracking a time-consuming entity throughout an entire year. In the end, will you destroy the Entity? Do you dare question the Agency? Can you find yourself?
GAMEPLAYHow You Travel As you journey through time, discover and make use of 7 different devices—modes of time travel that make use of familiar game tools: dice, cards, and coins. These devices will help you shift back and forth (and often back again) through the dates of your planner. As you discover more devices you will make use of:
Tracking Your Journey Your planner is your log of everything you experience on your journey through time. For tracking your progress through the game, you'll have a bookmark character sheet for your inventory, encounters, and identity. Endgame Every play through of Project ECCO has an ending, dictated by the journey you take. With 6 possible final prompts, the final lines of your story will be up to you.