After a long dark winter, the sun is shining and it's party time for the penguins, who celebrate by fishing. To look over the waters more easily, the penguins build high pyramids. The more penguins you can fit in the pyramid, the better — but it's not that easy. In Penguin Party, players collectively build a pyramid of penguins, trying to empty their hands of cards along the way. The deck consists of 36 penguin cards: 8 green and 7 each of red, blue, yellow, and purple. On a turn, you either play a card to the left or right of the base of the pyramid, which can be at most eight cards wide, or play a card on a higher level of the pyramid so long as it's supported by two penguins, at least one of which is the same color as the card being played. If you cannot play a card, discard your hand face down and take as many penalty markers as the number of cards you didn't play. Whoever has the fewest penalty markers at the end of the game wins. 2-6 Players, Ages 8+, 30 minutes