
Malifaux Burns

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In Malifaux Burns, the latest book for M3E, the Burning Man has arrived. For the last few years, the failed experiment of the former Governor-General has been causing havoc on Earth, warping mankind from the clouds above. His portals have opened in both sea and sky, letting loose creatures that even the most imaginative minds could not fathom. His path of destruction is random and without remorse, and now he’s here… back where it all started.

With this expansion, we have created new ways to play every keyword by re-designing Masters from the ground up. Not only do these titles create strengths where there were once weaknesses, but they also create questions for your opponent to ask as soon as the crew building begins. What version of Ulix is my opponent playing? Should I bring counters to his grow mechanics or his fiery pig steed? Which version fits the current pool of Strategies and Schemes?

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