Kitty Noir at a Glance A brand new hometown, Sunset City, to launch your new detective series or introduce an intriguing mystery that any visiting kitty can uncover! As part of the Cat Eyes Detective...
In the hidden land of Fantastica, fairy tales are real! Here everyone knows about magic, and that means everything is different for magical kitties. There's no need to hide your magic, anad humans...
Far from the towns and cities of house kitties, in the vast wilderness beyond, live brave kitties without any humans at all! The Wild Ones band together in Prides each with their own territory, led...
The magical kitties in Happy Glade spend their lives like kitties in any other big city suburb. They laze in the sun, chase mysterious red dots, and occasional thwart alien invasions!
When colonists traveled to Mars, of course their magical kitties came with them! Now the kitty krew is ready to stretch your paws, and there's a whole planet's worth of new adventures waiting!