The Fiasco Companion is a supplement for the award-winning game Fiasco, a game inspired by cinematic tales of small time capers gone disastrously wrong. The book includes in-depth...
In a galaxy torn apart by the Last War, vast pirate fleets roam from system to system, robbing, extorting, and enslaving. Amidst this chaos, thousands of independent operators - smugglers, relic...
Hail Caesar is written by the hugely talented Rick Priestley who is something of an expert in Ancients gaming. Partly because of his studying in antiquities but some would say that it's also because...
In this book you’ll find:
18 backgrounds to play as yourself in Legendlore, such as activist or scientist
Legend mechanics to represent your destiny, plus 5 sample Legends
Seven player races,...
The 2nd edition offers the same fantastic World War II gameplay with its exciting order dice system and mixed armies of infantry, tanks and artillery.
Key New Features
Officers activate other...