
40k Spooky Skirmishes (500 pt battles)

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Spooky Skirmishes (500 pt battles)

-Check-in at 9:30am, first round starts at 10:00am

 -1.5 hour rounds. 3 Rounds total. A 1 hour lunch will be taken after round 1 completes

 -500pts, GW missions and half board(44x30) layouts. Missions TBD. Layouts will be adjusted for a half board.

 -Paint Scoring will not be taken into account.

 -Rules valid if released before list cut off. FAQ, points, and dataslate changes to be evaluated case by case if they drop near the event.

 -Pairings are determined by wins > score.

 -Lists due by the day before at 9pm. Failure to do so without communication will result in 10pts deducted from your first round.




-Pre placed. Every piece counts as a ruin (even crates or trees). First floors count as blocking line of sight. Recommend discussing terrain with your opponent pregame to make sure everything is clear.



Proxies and conversions

-Generally acceptable. Must be the right size and clear to your opponent. Example, don’t say that one model has a lascannon when the whole unit is modeled with bolters. Your opponent would have no way to distinguish. Please ask ahead of time if you have any doubt.



Odd numbers and byes

-If we end up with an odd number of participants, one player each round will play the RINGER. Regardless of the outcome they will get a win and a minimum score of 50 pts.



Army Building Rules

-Combat patrol rules will not be used for this tournament.

-Detachments may be composed of up to 500pts and are not regulated to "combat patrol" restrictions

-Single model units 200 pts or higher are not allowed in list building

-Only Epic heroes of 100pts or less are allowed in list building

-You are restricted to 1 epic hero in list building

-4 Objective markers will be used per board, and will be player placed

-Fixed secondaries are a requirment in these missions

Mission Primary Scoring for each round:
5 pts for holding 1 obj., 5pts for holding 2, 5pts for holding more than your opponent


Round 1:

"Be afraid. Be very afraid":

Ghost Incursion

Every unit rolls battleshock during their controller's battleshock step.

Insane bravery is not available for this game.

Units that PASS their battleshock test receive d3 mortal wounds.

Units that suffer battleshock out of phase also suffer this penalty.


Deployment: Hammer & Anvil

Mission Rule: "haunted houses." Units on objectives have half leadership (rounding up)


Round 2:

"They're coming for you":

Zombie Incursion

Infantry units receive the "6+ feel no pain" ability

At the start of your the command phase, d3 models return to every infantry unit.

When the last model of an infantry unit would be destroyed, roll a d6 at the end of the phase.

On a 4+ that model returns to the field as close as possible to where it was destroyed(outside of engagement range) with 1 wound remaining.


Deployment: Search & Destroy

Mission Rule: "walls of meat." infantry units on objectives gain +1 toughness. All other units receive the benefit of cover.


Round 3:

"We are the ones who dwell within":

Demon Incursion

All units have a 4+ invulnerable save at range, and a 5+ invulnerable save in melee. This overrides all existing saves on all units.

All units have deep strike.


Deployment: Dawn of War

Mission Rule: "Warp Warfare." At the end of the active player's command phase, that player moves all units currently on objectives into reserves.

Questions & List submittals:



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